Stings vs. Bites
Insect bites and stings occur when an insect becomes agitated and seeks to defend itself by using its natural defense mechanisms. Insects inject a formic acid, which can cause an immediate skin reaction, if stung or bitten redness and swelling in the area are common. The sting from bees, wasps, and hornets are usually painful, while bites from mosquitoes, fleas, and mites are more likely to cause itching rather than pain.
It is important to know the difference between a bee sting and an insect bite. Due to the fact that the venom of stinging insects vary among the species and therefore, the body’s reaction may differ significantly depending on what you are stung by.
The most aggressive of the stinging insects are the vespid wasps, yellow jackets and bald-faced hornets; all of which will fiercely defend their nests and may even attack without being provoked.
For those individuals that are highly allergic to bee stings, the honeybee is usually the most serious threat of the stinging insects. For when the honeybee stings, they release a pheromone that will then prompt other nearby bees to attack, this can lead to being stung multiple times, increasing the amount of venom injected.
Types of Reactions
A.) Normal Reactions: Skin, involving the sting site will have redness, itching and or pain.
B.) Local Reaction: The swelling around the sting site is greater than 5cm, the skin reaction to the insect sting or bite may last for a few days. However, in rare cases the local reaction could last up to two years.
C.) Systemic Reaction: Symptoms occur in areas outside of the sting sight (SOB, wheezing, hives, etc.) For those individuals that are highly allergic to venom, symptoms could lead to anaphylaxis, shock and death.
Fire Ant
Fire Ants are known for their lively and aggressive behavior. Their sting is very painful and produces a sensation similar to what one may feel like when burned by fire hence the name Fire Ant
There are 3 types of reaction that can occur. A ” normal” reaction involve the site of the sting which will have redness, itching and pain. Swelling around the sting site that is greater than 5cm is called a local reaction. The third is a Systemic reaction where symptoms occur in areas outside of the sting site (shortness breath, wheezing, hives, etc…)
To find out more information about our Stinging Insect Allergy treatment options, please contact one of our offices at:
New Braunfels office (830) 625-7612
Schertz office (210) 654-0944
San Antonio (210) 908-9230