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Breathe Easy, You’re In Good Hands

If you or a loved one has asthma, then you know how important it is to have a controlled treatment plan for flare-ups and emergency situations. Seeing a specialist is imperative to getting your health back on track and keeping your asthma symptoms under control.
Dr. Gupta and our other asthma specialists will work tirelessly to create treatment plans that help asthma patients breathe easier. Whether your asthma is worsened by seasonal allergens or daily activities, our team at Central Texas Allergy and Asthma has the knowledge and dedication necessary to provide you with different treatment options to suit your needs.

Some of the more common treatments for asthma include:

  • Steroid Inhalers
  • Bronchodilator Inhalers
  • Anti-Inflammatory medications
  • Biologics
  • Asthma Treatments & Medications

    Each patient will have an individual plan and medications best suited to them and their health needs, and asthma treatments typically depend on the severity and frequency of asthma attacks. During your initial visit, we will discuss your specific condition and symptoms, and we will work towards creating a treatment plan that best suits you.
    Dr. Gupta and the staff invite those who need allergy and asthma treatment to schedule an appointment today. Whether you are in San Antonio, Universal City, Converse, Schertz, New Braunfels or Live Oak regions, we have you covered.

    To take control over your asthma, please contact one of our offices today by calling:

    New Braunfels office (830) 625-7612
    Schertz office (210) 654-0944
    San Antonio (210) 654-0944